Monday, March 12, 2007

Vocab for Shaman

Ideographs: An ideogram
Ideogram: A written symbol that represents an idea or object directly rather than a particular word or speech sound, as a Chinese character
Enumerate: To mention separately as if in counting; name one by one; specify, as in a list
Seal: An embossed emblem, figure, symbol, word, letter, etc., used as attestation or evidence of authenticity.
Emigrate: To leave one country or region to settle in another
Phonograph: Any sound-reproducing machine using records in the form of cylinders or discs
Servitude: Slavery or bondage of any kind
Ailment: A physical or mental disorder, especially a mild illness
Adamantine: Too hard to cut, break, or pierce
Midwife: A person trained to assist women in childbirth

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